Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Eh guys, I want share about autism  and loss of contact with reality

Autism, disorder that affects the social, emotional, and behavioral development of children. Autism is marked by serious difficulties in interacting and communicating with other people.

And  now abot psycho

unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well-being. The word stress means different things to different people. Some people define stress as events or situations that cause them to feel tension, pressure, or negative emotions such as anxiety and anger. Others view stress as the response to these situations. This response includes physiological changes—such as increased  hahahaha… :>

so, i mean, I have a friend, she’s a girl with a many friends, many popularity but she not have behavior, so look like autism and stress. Yahaahaa.
I think, she must join ESQ (emotional spiritual quotient) yes, I true!

bizarre behavior, disorganized thinking and speech, decreased emotional expressiveness, and social withdrawal.
they cannot control or predict, or about events that seem threatening or dangerous

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Hey everyone…
Besok senin gue udah masuk sekolah, terus tanggal 26 ada examination violin di tempat les gue, ada 3 lagu yang harus gue mainin, 1st gavotte, 2nd andantino, 3rd perih. Terus sama yang teori. Ya tentang nada C mayor, terus paranada, ketukan, birama, dll. Wish me luck ya. Oh iya, gue denger-denger nih besok hari pertama masuk sekolah ada TPM gitu. Yaampun.. gue gak boleh ngulangin kesalahan di SD dulu yang bener-bener suka nyontek dan gak pernah sholat, nakal gitu, & sok-sok’an, gamau belajar. yaAllah, moga hamba bisa masuk padmanaba ato SMA 1,8, ato 6. Aminn.. <3
Hey everyone..
Today, is my first time to go to my school after have a long holiday. By the way, I was very-very happy to face to face by all  my friend, my boy friend, and my teacher. But, I don’t know why I feel sad, it was mr.adi telling sort story and having to farawel party, because he want out here from my school. And then, why mrs. Azizah absent today?, she must present to show she image and how did she’s profile. But what happen? She just joke but like annoying and if you look she’s walk it really like duck! Hahaha, my friend and me always attention if she’s has walk. bgbgbgbg

this is my teacher.. 
Mr.adi and Mr. Rizki

Rabu, 15 September 2010


Oh, I just want to wear chiffon and go around in bare feet (even if I did just purchase huge crazy boots). Yes, I want spring. I'm all ready for it.

 I loved Candice's pearl and lace bouquet wrap so much, and I know you did too. While some florist dress up their arrangements with silk ribbon or grosgrain, I'm forever a fan of bride's adding their own personal touch to their wedding bouquet. Furthermore, no bride should be without a string of pearls, no matter how modern or off-beat her wedding day style. So why not mix the two and do what Candice did with a custom bridal wrap? Just brilliant!

Thanks to Trisha Fay of the much loved Beautiful Garden Boutique, brides can also dress their neck, wrists and ears with pearls of every shape, color and size. Trisha's shop is filled with handmade jewelry, from Swarovski crystals to freshwater pearls. Her pieces are so reasonably priced, you can shop for your entire bridal party or put something aside for your one year anniversary present (to yourself!) Visit the Beautiful Garden Boutique and get shopping. 

Senin, 13 September 2010


1. Name: puti andam suri
2. Nickname: uttie
3. Birthday: 15 desember 1995
4. Place of birth: yogyakarta
5. Zodiac sign: sagitarius
6. Gender: female
7. Primary or high: JuniorHighschool
8. School: smp muhammadiyah 2
9. Occupation: student
10. Residence: Yogyakarta
11. MSN screen name: -
12. Hair color: real black blue
13. Hair length: shouldher
14. Eye color: brown
15. Weight: -
16. Height: 153 cm
17. Braces: no
18. Glasses: cylinder 1+
19. Piercings: ears
20. Tattoos: no
21. Righty or lefty: whot?

22. 1st bestfriend: yonna
23. 1st award: juara 2 violin fest
24. 1st sport you joined: tapaksuci
25. 1st pet: puma (cat)
26. 1st real vacation: medan 5 years old
27. 1st concert: 5th elementary school "violin quartet"
28. 1st love: -

29. Movies: air bender
30. TV-Programme: HBO
31. Color: violet,maroon,pink old,blue,green.
32. Musician: avril lavignie
33. Actor/actress: miley cyrus
34. Song right now: themesong HARVESTmoon
35. Friend: many friends
36. Sweet: chocolate taste
37. Sport to play: chess
38. Restaurant: Mc.Donalds
39. Brand: wondershoe
40. Store: zarra, sogo, centro, hypermart
41. School: smpmuh2dpk
42. Book: twilight series, the mysterious benedict society
43. Magazine: teenvogue, gogirl, cosmo girl, gadis, highteen
44. Animal: fish
45. Shoes: all star,nike,wondershoe

46. Feeling: not bad
47. Single or taken: single
48. Have a crush: no
49. Eating: 1 hour ago
50. Drinking: orange juice
51. Typing: yoeh
52. Online: yes
53. Listening to: Ipod
54. Thinking about: my friend
55. Wanting: Ipad
56. Watching: blackbarry
57. Your future: doctor, genekology specialist (amin)
58. Want kids: after married, 1
59. Want to be married: 21
60. Careers in mind: doctor
61. Where do you want to live: dutch
62. Car: porche

63. Hair color: black
64. Hair length: short
65. Eye color: brown
66. Measurements:wot?
67. Cute or sexy: sexy ah ah ah
68. Lips or eyes: eyes
69. Hugs or kisses: hugs
70. Short or tall: tall
71. Easygoing or serious: easygoing
72. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
73. Fatty or skinny: skinny
74. Sensitive or loud: loud
75. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
76. Sweet or caring: caring
77. Trouble-maker or hesitance: no one

78. Kissed a stranger: no
79. Had alcohol: no
80. Taken drugs: no
81. Ran away from home: no
82. Broken bone: no
83. Got an X-RAY: no
84. Been with someone: no
85. Broken someone's heart: yes
86. Broke up with someone: yes
87. Cried when someone died: yes
88. Cried at school: yes

89. GOD: absolutely
90. Miracles: not really
91. Love at the first sight: no!
92. Ghosts: yes
93. Aliens: no
94. Soul mates: yes
95. Heaven: definetely
96. Hell: absolutely
97. Angels: yeah
98. Kissing at the first date: no
99. Horoscopes: no
100. Is there someone you want but you know you can't? ..



Minggu, 12 September 2010

Buat seseorang yang paling cool, gahol,smart, dan gue rasa paling eksentrik..

Hey, kenal gue kagak? Pasti lo bilang “syapa sih lo? sok kenal deh!”. Pengen sih gue nge-share banyak tentang lo, bukan maksut gue nge-judge lo, atau sekedar ngomong bullshit ke banyak orang, tapi mau gimana lagi yaa? Setelah beberapa kejadian dan attitude lo ke gue dan seseorang yang gue sayang. Apasih ya, gue ini emang bukan seorang cewek dengan sikap high profile atau extra ordinary, but I still my behavior. Atau dengan cewek dengan segala kemewahan dan ngeliatin I have everything what I want, itu nggak gue banget. Mungkin, gue ni gak terlalu speak out ato berasa “nih lo gue, si cewe gaul, keren, eksis yang bisa deket sama cowo yang gue suka” intinya gitu”. Kadang gue risih juga sih liat perilaku lo yang kadang buat gue mrinding sendiri. Oh ya, kalo mau tau, menurut gue, lo itu selalu nunjukin hal terhebat yang pernah lo lakuin, yang sebenernya nggak perlu diomongin, dan lo sering ganggu cowo gue yang namanya hoho, tanpa tau perasaan gue, padahal gue urusan sama lo aja gapernah, atau semacam berasa nunjukin kalo lo itu paling hebat&paling eksis, asal lo tau, gue muak banget. Do anything what you want, but don’t hurt me again by your attitude with my boyfriend, right?. Gue gakan ngumbar nama lo siapa, alesan gue buat bikin note ke lo apa, ato apapun yang mojokin lo. kadang gue ngrasa, ini cukup buat gue ngomongin lo ato ngrasain sesuatu yang gaenak tentang lo. but, this is not a judgement, or damned, or fucking, or hated, or whatever you are.. but, this is really about yourself.. 
Monday, June 28, 2010
Hey bloggyss muac’h :*
Udah lama aku enggak nulis apa aja yang aku alami hari-hari ini. Banyak yang pengen aku certain sih. Horee, aku udah kelas 9, aku bakal ketemu sama ujian nasional lagi setelah beberapa tahun yang lalu. Aku juga harus benerin semua nilai, temasuk akhlak ku yang belom bisa dibilang okay, fine, or good but very-verry bad. Anyway, besok selasa aku udah siap-siap on the way to denpasar :* enggak sabar buat ke birdpark, waterboom,ubud,etc.. thankyousomuch mom, I love youuww. Terus kan temen-temen ku hmm : Azza, Ima, Ukhti, Icha, Fia, Dhona, Dhani, Amel, danlain-lain itu mereka ikutan jamnas (baca: jamboree nasional buat perayaan 1 abad muhammadiyah) menurutku membosankan -_- ituh kan mana aku dauber-uber mesti ikut, tapi bunda udah beliin tiket ke bali, yaudah bye, good luck deh ya..
Terus tau gasih ada rumor-rumor gitu kalo ada cowo pake vario putih disekitar jalan ke cassagrande,mino,sama apa gitu suka bacokin orang waktu malem-malem, apasih psyco abis, namanya “garong” siapa gitu, gatau deh. Gila deh, terus kan juga ada gossip kalo aril peterporn meninggal gara-gara sakau? Idih gossip apaan tuh ?? mending gossipin aku yang HTS sama robertpatinson >*< hmm gamungkin. Ketemu aja kagak, liat paling di majalah aja. Noh terus tuh si justin bieber marah-marah gitu sama Ropats gara-gara gue dimainin sama Ropats. Anjirrr, gile parah tu. Mana si Kristen stewart pake jion lagi sama si Ropats di depan gue! Apasih maunya, padahal si Messi mau banget pacaran sama gue. Ampunnn..
Eh ngomong apasih gue. LOL
Im so proud to hear you about me (mrs. Wrong) right? And please to answer my question “you know you’re the perfect people than me? You know, you always say damn,bastard, for me? Why?”
I never to get worry to you. And thanks to your fucking tell.
Ucapan terimakasih banget buat mbak rofiaddin perwita yang super duper baik, hoax. Gue ketawa abis-abisan sama status lo yang nyindir-nyindir gue gitu, bilang aja lo envy sama gue, ckckck. Gatau apa-apa tentang gue udah brani banget buat status yang di khususin buat orang yang emang khusus banget gitoohh. Emang ngomongin gue penting ya? Biasanya nih ya mbak, kalo ada orang yang suka ngomongin orang lain itu ada dua alesan,  first fact yaitu dia envy alias iri hati, salah satu penyakit hati yang setiap orang pasti punya tapi ngga over capacity kaya lo, second fact yaitu gue keren, famous, fashionista dan ngga kaya lo yang udik abis yaitu ujung-ujungnya iri. Mana ngatain gue muka jelek lagi, aih emang muka lu kaya apa mbak? Kalo muke lu udah kaya kareena kapor aja ngatain gue jelek gamasalah. Tapi ngga papa yahh kalo lo mau ngomongin gue semati-matinya, dipuas-puasin deh sampe lo puas, ato kalo ngga puas, lo bisa dateng ke rumah gue terus ngajak gue spering kaya dulu itu \m/ jadi cewe kok ngga punya sikap ya? Anaknya siapa sih kok kayanya ngga diajarin gimana jadi cewe baik? Kasian banget yaa, coba deh lo tau sikap lo kaya apa. makasihh ya udah envy sama guee. Duh duhh,, masa Cuma gara-gara envy, lo jadi norak,alay,basi kaya gini sih? Keep your mouth ya mbak fiaa..


hello everyoneee,
this is my second blog after my last blog is eror
i'll share about anything in my blog